Sunday, August 31, 2008

Pam's First Lake TRI - I finished!

On 8/22, I finished my first "Lake TRI"! YooHoo
No other goals right now except to work on my swim times.
I finished my first half marathon in preparation of my first marathon at age 39.
I completed by first marathon at 40. Completed another goal to complete a TRI at 45, which was a couple of mini TRIs last year, in the pool. And completed my goal to complete a "Lake TRI" at age 46. Yep, I'm getting old. I guess it's all downhill from here!! lol

The swim was what I expected. Hated it!!! I finished the swim in about 27mins, which is not respectable by no means. I would like to swim it in 20mins or less & that's not really asking for too much.

When I came out of that lake and jumped on my bike I was sooooooo happy!!!! I was finally in my element! Especially since I was one of the last getting out of the lake. I LOVE to cycle. I guess because I'm better at cycling than anything else. My running has taken a back seat. :-(

I didn't practice any "bricks" (coming off the bike & run), so it was a little painful coming off the bike and trying to run~

I get such negative thoughts when I'm in the lake. For example: I think I'll raise my hand and get the boat to come get me. Really, I thought about doing that twice. But after completing 3 practice swims, I know my friends and coworkers would have given me a bunch of grief, so that's the only reason I stuck it out!

I was happy with my results. Even with the horrible swim I came in 4th in my category. I signed up as "Women Master Novice", which basically means 'old new triathlete"! But the other side to that story.....I think there were only 8 of us in the category...hahahahahaha

Anyway, I've got another MINI/SMALL TRI in a couple of weeks at White Lake, so that'll be FUN. Only half the swim/bike/run!! Hawaii Luau that evening! I wonder if I'll feel like I'm really in Hawaii........NOT~ :-)

Anyway, To my friends: THANK YOU for your support during my "swim trainings". I was so nervous getting in that lake and I appreciate all the encouraging words!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Woo hoo!!! You rock! Congratulations on reaching your goals.