Sunday, August 17, 2008

Lazy weekend & sleep

Last week seemed to be a stressful week, so the weekend I have spent doing a lot of nothing! Which has been good!!

Saturday morning I got up about 5am and met a friend and we headed to the lake again to do one last open water swim before my TRI next weekend. I managed to get through it again. I wasn't as comfortable as the last time, but it wasn't as bad as the first time. I'm a horrible swimmer! I seem to stroke and stroke and barely move! I have taken some swimming lessons but I need more!

After the swim my friend needed to get home, so I didn't do anything else. No cycling, no running. Just the 30min swim. I came home and bonded with the good ole' couch the rest of the afternoon/night. Napping and watching the Olympics.
It was a great Olympics night!! The marathon race was awesome! Catherine got the Silver, but I was pulling for Deena Kastor. :-( My second choice was Paula Radcliffe. And lets not forget the swimming events! Michael won his 8th gold medal, and Torres(41 year old woman) barely missed the gold!! :-(

Sunday, Ron and I slept to almost 8am!! What's up with that? Napped off and on yesterday afternoon and during the Olympics, then slept in this morning. It really must have been a rough week!! The more I lay around the more I want to lay around...So I'm out of the house this afternoon to cycle!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

1 comment:

Angie said...

I'm so jealous of your lazy weekend. I'm feeling very sleep deprived since Cody's arrival!