Friday, December 26, 2008

Getting in the Christmas Spirit

The weekend before Christmas Ron decided we would go out to dinner, then take a ride in the Corvette, but he wouldn't tell me where. He likes to keep me guessing sometimes, but I know him so well it doesn't take me long to figure things out!

After dinner we headed down 485, and once he took a particular exit I knew where we were going. We went to see the Christmas lights at "Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden". We also took a horse and buggy ride, which sounds all nice and romantic. It was not! Ron was sadly disappointed. I, on the other hand wasn't expecting much so I was fine with the ride. The carriage was for 6 people, and there were 2 couples that talked the entire time~ blah, blah, blah...I just wanted to hear the horse clip/clop on the road in the dark. It was so soothing & quite except for the loud people in the carriage with us. They didn't have a carriage for two. Lesson Learned: I won't do that again!

Anyway, the lights were what I expected. Ron again, expected a bit more. Here's a few pics.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Late Blog --- How we spent Thanksgiving

Ron's brother(Jeff), Chase & Jake(Ron's nephew)

Ron's Mom & Dad

Brittany & Drew

Chase & Drew playing in the water

Chase & Drew horsing around. They were friends before Brittany & Drew started dating.

My wonderful family enjoying the beach......

Happy belated Thanksgiving!

We had lunch with mom the Sunday before Thanksgiving, as usual. It was a great meal. We missed my brother being there because they were on a trip in the TN mountains somewhere.

We left the Wednesday before Thanksgiving for the beach to spend time with Ron's family. His mom and dad spend the whole month of November at the beach, along with his aunt and uncle and cousins. Drew, Brittany's boyfriend of 2 1/2 years came, along with Chase's new girlfriend, Ashley. Even though our kids live at home and go to school, we never hardly see them. We get up and leave before them each morning. When we get home from work, they are either at school or working. By the time they get home we're in bed.

Here are some pics of our Thanksgiving beach trip. We also celebrated Ron's mom and dad 50th wedding anniversary while we were there.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I'm still here......

Oh my, I just looked at my blog. It's been a long time since I've blogged. So sorry, but does anyone really care. lol

I promise I will post what's been going around the Griffin household in the next couple of days.
Work has been crazy trying to finish up 3 projects by end of the year. I've been spending a few weekends working. When I'm not working, I've been trying to get my Christmas shopping done.

Right now, I'm wrapping a couple of last minute presents for the kids, cooking for tonight at my mom's. Cleaning up a bit. Candlelight service at church before we go to mom's. Tomorrow will be breakfast here at home with the family, Stanie and Brittany's boyfriend Drew, if he can get out of bed and get here by 9am! And of course the ole' bowling alley lunch, with a gathering afterwards at Ron's family. I'll try to take a few pics to share.

Merry Christmas~ Love and miss you all.