Saturday, July 5, 2008

Looks like a funny movie

This morning I went running with the Saturday morning gang, then swam for a little while.

For lunch, Ron and I decided to ride over to "On the Border" for a light lunch. Tips are not good lately at the restaurant, so we like to go over every once in a while and leave Brittany a pretty good tip.

I couldn't wait to get home and take a nap. At that point Ron decided it would be a good idea to stop and get a couple of movies to watch this afternoon.

He chose "Vantage Point" & I chose "P.S I Love You". On the way out I saw another movie "Love in the time of Cholera"! This was the book I was reading in December while I was spending some time with Sally in CO. I never got around to finishing the book so I had to get the movie!!

Anyway, I was watching the previews of other movies before "Love in the time of Cholera" and a move caught my eye. This movie looks like it's going to be a hoot!!!!!! For all my running buddies you've got to watch it. It's coming out this fall, and the previews looked pretty funny. It's called "Run Fatboy Run". Has anyone heard of it?

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