Sunday, June 22, 2008

Birthday weekend.......

Friday night my family came over for my birthday! The rule is: If it's your birthday, then the spouse has to prepare the dinner. Sooooo Ron had to plan/prepare the dinner. He decided on something simple; hamburgers, baked beans, chips, apple pie. Mike, Teresa, Mom & Jack came over. Monica was on her honeymoon, and Ashley(my other niece) was probably with her honey!
Brittany and Chase stayed around for the food, then disappeared doing whatever they do on a Friday night after they got home from work.
Saturday I was up bright and early and ran in the neighborhood for 30mins, then Ron had the bikes ready and we went for a 24mi bike ride together. Afterwards, I took off to Pilates and Ron spent some quality time with the couch! When I returned from Pilates I decided I needed a little nap myself. My birthday weekend continued as Ron heated some smooth round rocks that he snuck home from our tuscan villa and gave me a warm stone massage. What a wonderful man!
After napping we decided to go the the movies. My choice, since it's my birthday! I decided to see "Ironman" since Gina said it was so good. That wouldn't have been Ron's first choice, but he liked it and I think he was just so excited I didn't pick "Sex In the City"!! After the movies & the huge tub of popcorn, we went by the Mexican restaurant that Brittany works at and had an appetizer & a Mohita(sp?). Things are slow at the restaurant lately & tips have been bad so when Brittany saw us she was excited because she knew her daddy would leave a big tip!!!!
Sunday I needed to get in another 1 1/2 hour bike ride so I rode this morning with a group. Ron rode 13miles with us, but since we were about a mile from home he headed home while I continued on with the group for a total of 30miles. The afternoon we spent at Ron's mom & dad's home. They cooked my favorite lunch for my birthday. My father-in-law can cook some mean fried chicken. And my mother-in-law cooked my other favorite---- fried okra! YUM, YUM.
It's been another busy, but fun weekend. At this point I don't think we have anything planned for next weekend. With the Italy trip, the wedding, my birthday, I'm ready for a relaxing weekend!

1 comment:

Angie said...

I left a comment yesterday but it didn't show up! The birthday sounded fun...didn't know it was your b'day so Happy Birthday to YOu!!!! Also, the wedding looked gorgeous. Hope all is well in NC